Safely and securely
Best practices and tips on how to identify “TranSwap”
Here are some tips to help you identify :
1. Always check the URL and domain name:
Our official website:

Transwap’s Homepage
2. Transwap’s official social media accounts are all linked at the bottom:
Our official website:
Learn how to identify scams:
You are not expecting an SMS, call or e-mail from TranSwap.
The caller or sender is unable to identify themselves properly.
Do not click on any link from 3rd party apps or website to access our TranSwap official website
Watch the video to protect yourself from phishing scams:
Here are some tips to help you get started with TranSwap:
You have incorporated a company in Singapore, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong or Macao.
Onboarding with country entity in Singapore, Hong Kong, Macao, Indonesia and the United Kingdom.
Hold up to 34 currencies.
Convert to multiple foreign currencies and save more with our highly competitive exchange rates.
To open your TranSwap account, you will need to verify with photo ID, picture of you holding your ID. (Refer below for specific country onboarding details).
What information do I need to provide?
The following information is required to verify your identity to comply with regulations in the respective countries.
For Singapore onboarding, the required docs:
Verification of national ID document/passport
If passport used, or for non-SG Citizen or PR, to provide Proof of Address in Singapore
Company name
Business registration number
Business profile or annual return showing all directors and shareholders
Certificate of registration or incorporation
Memorandum and Articles of Association or Constitution or Partnership Agreement
Mobile number or email address of the contact person
Contact details of all authorised users and key contact person(s)
For Hong Kong onboarding, the required docs:
1. Hong Kong Permanent residents
Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card
Proof of address
2. Hong Kong Foreigner
Proof of address
Documents to identify customer:
NAR1 or NNC1 for newly incorporated entities
Other documents filed after NAR1 or NNC1 (e.g. NR1, ND2A, etc)
Memorandum and Articles of Association or Constitution
Business Registration Certificate
Certificate of incorporation:
a. Other notarised or certified documents to identify the UOB of the customer if the customer is owned by another entity
b. Board Resolution signed by at least 2 directors
For Indonesia onboarding, the required docs:
Identity card (KTP)
Or driver's license (SIM)
Or passport
Or other official documents issued by Government Agencies
Deed of Incorporation + receipt from Ministry of Law and Human Rights (MoLHR)
Latest Complete adjusted Articles of Association according to UUPT 2007 + MoLHR
Business Registration (OSS NIB RBA) + Business License (Izin usaha)
Letter of Domicile (for business license #2)
Tax Registration Card (NPWP)
Business Certification (if any)
Verifications of the relevant natural persons are required to be done before the account can be approved.
For the onboarding of the United Kingdom, the required docs:
1. Proof of ID
Or Driver’s license
Or Residence Permit
2. Proof of address dated within 3 months
Bank or building society statement
Or Utility Bills
Or Council Tax Letter
Benefits Letter
3. Other supplementary documents may be needed upon request
Proof of ID of the ultimate beneficial owners who hold(s) the company over 25%
Proof of address dated within 3 months of the ultimate beneficial owners who hold(s) the company over 25%
Other supplementary documents may be needed upon request
Although individuals may only sign up for one TranSwap personal account, companies can create multiple business accounts. To create more than one account, you can either sign up with a separate email address or link it to your existing e-mail address. Our account manager can assist you with this process.